One of the best Via Ferrata (or klettersteig) in Austria the Ilmspite is a fantastic mountain excursion. It is best approached by allowing a day to walk up to the wonderfully situated Innsbrucker Hut where you can enjoy the Austrian mountain hut experience. The start of the route is a short walk from the hut. NB: This route is not for beginners. Whilst at the hut why not stay an extra night and climb a big mountain Habicht 3277m which is on the opposite side of the hut to the Ilmspitze.
Ilmspitze Ilmspitze Klettersteig guide to the route
Above: The Ilmspitze in the flesh. The Kletersteig goes up slightly left of centre all the way to the top.
Below: Climbing on the Ilmspitze. Just above the route down (Abstieg), which as you can see is clearly marked.
Below: Climbing just above the "Spreizschritt uber tiefe spelte" as marked on the topo above which translates to "big step over deep gap"