Heading away somewhere and realise you don’t have some of the equipment you think you’ll need? We have a large range of essential light weight quality hiking equipment for hire at very reasonable rates. Hiring allows you to not only sample some of the items we sell in store, but gives you access to high quality equipment for those one off occasions where you may require items such as PLBs*, crampons, ice axes or snowshoes. So if you need to hire a pack, tent, sleeping bag, rain jacket or sleeping mat - Bogong is the place to come.
Minimum Booking Period
As our gear is designed to be used on overnight adventures in the bush outside of Melbourne, the minimum booking period is 2 days. There is no extra charge for the 3rd and 4th day, allowing you to have a full weekend trip and return the gear on Monday. Subsequent days are then charged at a reduced daily rate.
Book In Advance
During busy periods such as the Easter and Christmas breaks it is important to get in early as our equipment is quickly booked out. Simply book online to make sure you get what you need.
Cancellation Policy
If your plans change and you no longer need your hire, please let us know as soon as possible. Cancellations made before the beginning of the hire period will receive a refund of the full amount, minus the 3.5% booking fee.
Gear Pickup and Return
You can pick up and return your gear at Bogong Equipment, 374 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, during normal opening hours.
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