Hiking Gear Online, Hiking Gear Australia, Hiking Gear List
Hiking Gear
Are you heading away hiking overnight and not sure if you have all of the essentials? The following list will get you pointed in the right direction.
Rucksack. Our staff take the time to fit packs expertly to customers. We will send you on your way not only with a quality product but one that fits you properly. It is important to get the hipbelt and shoulder straps set in the right place. Don’t be fooled by “display foam” on some cheaper packs which feels really soft and comfy in the store but will collapse under the rigours of load carrying.
Tent. Your tent is indeed the home on your back. More than any other product tents are a compromise between weight, strength, stability. Read our info page on how to choose a two-person hiking tent.
Stove. With the increasing prevalence of “fuel stove only areas” the stove has become a vital piece of equipment. Bogong sells stoves that run on shellite, methylated spirits and gas canisters.
Rainjacket. Essential. Must be waterproof and windproof such as the Mont Tempest jacket pictured at left. Bogong has an extensive range of waterproof shells - check out our range of men's hiking jackets and women's hiking jackets.
Clothing. Firstly, remember this mnemonic: Cold Cotton Cannot Come Camping! There have been many modern innovations in clothing such as the invention of soft-shell fabrics, wind pro fleece, and efficient wicking fabrics. These fabrics will help improve your safety by shielding your from exposure and increasing your overall comfort.
Compass. Don’t leave home without one, but more importantly learn how to use it. We also stock a range of GPS units for the technophiles. For details about GPS click here.
Food. A topic in itself. As a guide to quantity 900 grams per person per day dry weight is plenty. Bogong stocks three brands of pre packaged dried foods for your convenience - Outdoor Gourmet, BackCountry Cuisine and Chefsway.
Hydration The Australian bush usually demands that we carry all our water with us. If you are not sure if you will be crossing a creek at some point and that the creek is actually flowing, then you will potentially need to carry several litres of water with you. Whether it be in a soft bladder, a durable bottle or both, you should never leave home without some water on hand.
Trekking Poles Increasingly being used for stability and more importantly for taking stress off the knees walking poles are becoming an essential part of many hikers equipment kits.
Other Items. Here is a list of other items that you will need. Cookware, sleeping mat, first aid and repair kit, pack liner or rain cover, eating utensils, map, guide book, whistle, notebook & pencil, toiletries and wash up items. All of these items are available at Bogong. Optional items such as camera, playing cards and a good novel should be considered.
Check out some of the other hiking gear we stock at Bogong.